Thursday, 11 July 2013

Error ORABPEL-10902]: compilation failed, Validation error at deployment

Issue: Error ORABPEL-10902]: compilation failed, Validation error at deployment

[deployProcess] Deployment http response code is = 500
[GC 19355K->11078K(130112K), 0.0050307 secs]
[deployProcess] Deployment http response message = bpel_Helloworld_1.0.ja
r failed to deploy. Exception message is:  ORABPEL-05215
[deployProcess] Error while loading process.
[deployProcess] The process domain encountered the following errors while loadin
g the process "Helloworld" (revision "1.0"): BPEL validation failed.
[deployProcess] BPEL source validation failed, the errors are:
[deployProcess] [Error ORABPEL-10902]: compilation failed
[deployProcess] [Description]: in "bpel.xml", XML parsing failed because "undefi
ned part element.
[deployProcess] In WSDL at "file:/C:/oracle/product/ias/soasuite/bpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_Helloworld_1.0_1b41d5486c1cc2197223b2e0687b9185.tmp/Helloworld.wsdl", message part element "{
ddressing}ReplyTo" is not defined in any of the schemas.
[deployProcess] Please make sure the spelling of the element QName is correct an
d the WSDL import is complete.
deployservices.xml:21: The following error occurred while executing this line
deployservices.xml:31: The following error occurred while executing this line
deploymentscripts\Workflows\deployWorkflows.xml:32: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
deploymentscripts\Workflows\deployHelloworld.xml:39: A problem occ
ured while connecting to server "" using port "7778": bpel_Helloworld_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is:  ORABPEL-05215
Error while loading process.
The process domain encountered the following errors while loading the process "Helloworld" (revision "1.0"): BPEL validation failed.
BPEL source validation failed, the errors are:
[Error ORABPEL-10902]: compilation failed
[Description]: in "bpel.xml", XML parsing failed because "undefined part element
In WSDL at "file:/C:/oracle/product/ias/soasuite/bpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_Helloworld_1.0_1b41d5486c1cc2197223b2e0687b9185.tmp/Helloworld.wsdl"
, message part element "{}ReplyTo" is not defined in any of the schemas.
Please make sure the spelling of the element QName is correct and the WSDL import is complete".


Found the reason why deployment failed, In tmp folder,  an element "ReplyTo" mentioned in Helloworld.wsdl. That element is not mentioned in Schema.
            Actual thing is that element is not there in updated wsdl. So I removed the /.bpel_Helloworld_1.0_1b41d5486c1cc2197223b2e0687b9185.tmp file from server location and deployed the workflows and deployment completed successfully.

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